OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — It's known as the most joyous Jewish holiday. For almost 40 years, Chabad of Nebraska has been hosting Purim celebrations that emphasize the resilience of the Jewish people.
Neighbors from all over the metro came together to celebrate Purim at Chabad of Nebraska.
Purim mainly celebrates the saving of Jewish people from annihilation in ancient Persia.
Rabbi Eli Tenenbaum said a celebration at Chabad includes everything from food like bagels and lox, fruits and veggies, reading, gift-giving, and costumes.
"Everybody is just having a good time. One of the things is to have a L'Chaim and toast to our resilience, to our perseverance, to our being here. We've been here around three and a half thousand years or more, and we're not going anywhere," said Tenenbaum.
Purim ends Friday evening, where the next holiday, Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, begins.
Tenenbaum said that he hopes the inspiration and the joy from this holiday are carried all year.